por corderocpa | Jun 18, 2021 | Información
La extensión de la declaración de impuestos ante el IRS es un vehículo que le da la oportunidad al contribuyente, o a la entidad (corporación, sociedad, organización sin ánimo de lucro), de extender el periodo de presentación de la declaración de impuesto, únicamente...
por corderocpa | Abr 24, 2021 | Información
En Cordero CPA compartimos novedades sobre el Crédito por Retener Empleados o Employee Rentention Credit (CRE/ERC). Si su empresa se ha visto afectada durante los últimos meses, a raíz de la situación Covid 19, debe saber que el gobierno ha aprobado una nueva ley de...
por corderocpa | Dic 11, 2020 | Información
As part of your planning for next year, now is the time to review funding your retirement accounts. By establishing your contribution amounts at the beginning of each year, the financial impact of saving for your future should be more manageable. Here are annual...
por corderocpa | Dic 10, 2020 | Información
At the end of each year there are a number of things to consider that may have a positive impact on your tax obligation. Here is a list of fifteen ideas that may be worth a quick review. 1. Make last minute charitable donations. 2. Review and maximize use of the...
por corderocpa | Dic 10, 2020 | Información
Happy Holidays! While many of us are planning for the holiday season, it’s also important to begin thinking about tax planning ahead of preparing your 2021 tax return. Here are a few time-tested tax strategies to consider as we head towards the end of 2020:...
por corderocpa | Dic 2, 2020 | Información
No one likes surprises from the IRS, but they do occasionally happen. Here are some examples of unpleasant tax situations you could find yourself in and what to do about them An expected refund turns into a tax payment. Nothing may be more deflating than expecting to...